Multiverse of Nonsense DLC
June 19, 2024
Aaand it’s here!
Our first major DLC for Goat Simulator 3, Multiverse of Nonsense, has finally been unleashed upon the world. Multiverse of Nonsense is set in an entirely new sandbox, featuring unique new areas full of chaotic world events to complete in order to restore (in)stability to the universe.
Save the Multiverse and be a goat while doing it
8 new playable goats
A brand new map and story to explore
Here it’s ok to let one rift
100+ new gears, up to 5 million different combinations*
Universe-hopping is now a thing
We heard you wanted to read more, so we added a dialogue system. You can now talk to people, or it’s more like they talk to you. You’re a goat after all
If you don’t buy this DLC, the Multiverse cannot be saved. You don't want to DOOM the Multiverse now, do you?
*Not sure if that is the exact number, but it feels like it
Goat Simulator 3: Multiverse of Nonsense is out now on the Epic Games Store, Steam, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and the Microsoft Store.
Thanks for Reading
Goat Team
March 4, 2025
For all the Microsofties out there (Xbox One, Xbox X|S & Microsoft Store)
Bug Fixes:
The controller vibration function should now work in single and multiplayer if activated in the settings. Very important to have good vibrations
Fixed an issue with the player status in the ‘friends menu’. The status should now be displayed correctly
Fixed a bug where players couldn't play the game offline after purchasing the DLC. Whoops
Fixed a bug where players who didn't own Multiverse could join a friend's active Multiverse play session. Whoops again
Fixed a bug where players tried to connect to a host playing the GS3 base game, but received a notification that stated ‘You don't own the Multiverse DLC’
Build: 396363
September 5, 2024
Bah bah bah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff
New Addition:
The Old School Pilgor Goat will now have the same ability as the OG NPC Goat, meaning it will play the original Goat Simulator Music. You're welcome
Bug Fixes:
If you own the DLC, you should now be able to play it on Microsoft without any problems. We're still looking into some remaining issues for PS5 users – if you can’t access the DLC properly after this update, please let us know
Fixed an issue with the microwave not working properly in the Microverse in Multiverse
Fixed the washing machine in my apartment
Fixed the issue of players not getting the Capybara if they exited the game before watching the end cutscene. Guys, why did you skip the cutscene :’)
Instinct ‘Turn reporter Nick Famzi Jr to a dare devil’ is now fixed. FINALLY
Instinct ‘Do a 720 Double Front or Backflip’ is now fixed
Instinct ‘Bounce on a trampoline 10 times in a row’ is now fixed
Why did every instinct break, cheesus
Wearing gears that have color customization will no longer reset when the player respawns. Sounds like a nice thing
The Social Media buttons will now be highlighted at the right moment when used for the first time
When the Human Pet NPC is riding you using the Saddle Gear, the position will now be correct. When the human pet is doing what
Fixed the explosion decal being visible before the explosion in the Chain Reaction Event
Fixed some sound crashes that could occur
Fixed an issue with the sound and animations when opening a rift, depending on the language you had selected
Fixed a crash that could occur when the Tutorial UI got removed
Fixed a sound issue that could occur when returning to the end cutscene if playing on low-resolution
Fixed some sound issues in the De Sand Event
Fixed a thumbnail issue with the 3D Glasses Gear
Watashi wa star
When playing the mini-game ‘Headsplat’, the intro camera is now fixed and will focus on the player
The Beehive Event sequence will now have sound. Bzz bzz
In Multiverse, after beating the Hydra boss or leaving the area, the music should now play correctly
Players will no longer float in the air when sitting on another player's Saddle Gear
The subtitle size setting will now work properly
Fixed the music being too low in the Goat Towers
Fixes some translation issues in Polish that were found
Fixed a sound issue where the client also heard the server sound effects when playing as Tasty Goat
When players get out of the passenger seat in a car, they will no longer be launched far away. This sounds like a feature imo
In Multiverse, you will no longer be stuck in the Intro if connecting the two scientists to the same eye scanner
After respawning in the Microverse, the camera will no longer continue to turn upside down in the main level
The cutscene in the top right corner showing a new Rift being unlocked will now work better
You can now sync with Goat Towers and enter Rifts even while ragdolled
When playing in split-screen and entering a Rift, the camera should now work properly for all players
Fixed some Goat Gear placement on Goat Types
The Stop Split-Screen button in the Friends menu is now accessible with the controller
Steam Deck Specific:
The correct buttons should now be displayed in the game when using a Steam Deck, instead of showing Keyboard buttons
Additional players for split-screen will now be added only if controllers are connected
Fixed some issues with text having the wrong size
Fixed an issue when touching the screen during gameplay which made the camera spin and the goat started to headbutt uncontrollably. Lol wild!
Steam Specific:
The 'More information' button about the new DLC in the Play menu will no longer be greyed out when the DLC isn't owned
PS5 Specific:
The 'More information' button about the new DLC in the Play menu will no longer be greyed out when the DLC isn't owned
Build: 363228
July 3, 2024
PS5 users can now enjoy last week’s bug fixes too (v. We’ve ofc added more bug fixes for all platforms while we were at it.
Bug Fixes:
You will now be able to unlock the Tiara after completing the game. The Tiara should already be in your inventory if you had completed the game when this issue was live. Woozah
You can now do the 'Walk the Human' event as the Hotdogian and Reinfaus Goat. All goats should be able to hold it with a leash
Fixed a crash that could appear if you headbutted an NPC into another one
The 'I Love History' achievement can now be completed
I finally beat Ganon in TOTK after postponing it for five months. I didn’t want it to end :(
What should I do with my life now?
Fixed animation issues the capybara had that made the legs look weird
The issue where the rift jump particle trail never got removed is fixed
The event text for the Noisy Neighbor event is no longer missing. Do you have a noisy neighbor where you live? If you don’t know, then it’s probably you
The game should no longer freeze when NPCs that you have turned into the 'Missing Link' goats (by using the Missing Link Goat ability) despawn
Fixed an animation crash that could appear. Have you ever tried to do any animations? It’s pretty hard
Fixed a crash related to the ‘Sentient Hat’
Fixed a crash that could appear when the living props you've created with the Reinfaus ability started to jump. This whole sentence sounds like a fever dream
The instinct to 'Bounce on a trampoline 10 times in a row' is now fixed
The instinct to 'Tag the founding fathers face' is now fixed
The instinct to 'Drive the toy car at high speed' is now fixed
The instinct to 'Launch yourself from multiverse crystals' is now fixed
Fixed animation issues the Human Per Goat had when running
The Earmuff's ability will now work
This is my last week before vacation, what are your plans for the summer?
Locked Horns should no longer be visible in the Overview Menu when playing as Old School Pilgor
Fixed a broken material on the Galaxy Fur for Goat and Capybara
After reloading the save file the ‘New Event’ notification splash will only appear once after it's been discovered
Fixed an issue with the ‘Teleport to player’ notification in Mega Rifts allowing players to teleport back to the main level. Whoops
Fixed the rifted effect that didn't work on client movements if they ragdolled
Steam Specific:
Steam players without a linked Epic account will now see the Epic player's name in the party
Console Specific:
Fixed an issue where some gear descriptions overlapped in the Wardrobe
PS5 Specific:
Fixed an issue where players who bought the DLC still got locked out of it – you should be able to unlock it now
Fixed the FPS drop that appeared when using the green teleport in Goofville or when jumping in the water near it
Fixed FPS drop that appeared after hanging on the ballon from 'Bob's Ballon' in Goofville
The crown icon in the point counter for the mini-game 'King of the Hill' will no longer overlap
Fixed a text issue in the 'Dilbo's Journey' event in the base game
XSX Specific:
The red button at the start of the game should work now
The heavy lag that was noticeable during four-player split-screen local co-op gameplay is now fixed
Build: 353607
June 24, 2024
Because of the current Miningverse bug that’s affecting Xbox users, these patch notes are for Xbox and Microsoft Store only. Do not fret, PC and PS5 users will also get these issues fixed but later on. Thank you for your understanding!
Update June 25: These patch notes have been released for PC users now too.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed font display issues that appeared in Puzzleverse Rift when playing in languages: Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korean, Japanese, and Russian
Fixed a visual glitch in the Chain Reaction Explosion
Goatroit NPC will now only use the scratch animation when actually scratching and not use it as a walking animation. Whoops
The toxic portal event sound has been adjusted and will no longer be obnoxiously loud
The G.O.A.T Arcade machine will no longer be mute
Fixed an issue that could cause the Hammer gear to crash
When playing as the Kid Goat, you will no longer be able to wear Adult Pilgors 'Bedwetter' body gear. What did I just read
The regular horns will no longer appear twice in the customization menu
The 3D glasses now have the correct thumbnail
All glasses will now be visible when playing as the Hotdogian Goat
Clients will now get the correct velocity when getting launched by the Money Bin Worm to be able to enter the building
Fixed a cinematic sequence when playing the Gone Home Event – you will now see the exact cause of the accident
Updated a cinematic sequence when playing the Living Props event – to make it clear a random bag accidentally gets added to the mix
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Fixed an issue that caused clients to not automatically equip the Dwarf Beard Reward you get when entering the Miningverse
Fixed a bunch of placement issues that occurred when a new Multiverse Goat wore goat gears from the base game – now the new goats will be able to wear all Vanilla gears! Did you know that vanilla comes from an orchid?
XSX Specific:
Achievements should now be visible
Fixed the crash Xbox players are experiencing when entering the Miningverse
After loading to a multiplayer session, the client's camera will no longer appear under the map for the first few seconds
Game Pass/MS Store:
The game will no longer display a delayed network error message when you open the party menu in offline mode
Steam Specific:
Fixed an issue that appeared when clients tried to invite other players to the host’s party, those players did not always receive the invitation
Epic Specific:
After buying Multiverse from the in-game menu, the UI should now automatically update so players can play the game directly instead of having to restart it
Build: 351928
June 19, 2024
As a wise goat once said ‘When life gives you nonsense, it also gives you patch notes’
Multiverse of Nonsense – New DLC
A brand new map! Wow
41 new events
8 new playable Goats. It’s the magic number
116 new Goat Gears (27 with new abilities)
A new dialogue system to talk to people. Nice, more text to read!
36 new instinct challenges
New vehicles
New achievements
Goat Simulator 3 – Base Game
Updated the Waypoint System. Let’s go… I guess?
Access to Multiverse of Nonsense DLC
You can see the world's stats of your latest play sessions directly on the continue button. About damn time
New level select, who dis? ‘New Game’ & ‘Load’ are now combined in a new ‘Play’ menu
Added additional original Goat 1 fur (Stek, Molle, and Ocke) to the 'Non-Player Character'
Updated the credits section in the main menu
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a crash happening to the client when the host equipped the slinger saddle
PS5 Specific:
Updated some of the trophies' names/descriptions in some languages in the Base Game
XSX Specific:
Fixed some long timeouts when rejoining a session wouldn’t be possible
Fixed the join button not appearing as often as it should
350383 (PC)
350287 (Consoles)

Super Duper Pack
December 12, 2024
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the heroes no one asked for. Will they help you save the world? Probably not. More likely the opposite.

Gear Competition & Hocus Pocus Pack
November 25, 2024
Prepare for trouble… and make it double. The Gear Competition update & Hocus Pocus Pack add-on is here!

PS4 & Xbox One Release
October 15, 2024
PS4 and Xbox One players can finally get their hooves on Goat Simulator 3!