Operation Crackdown

April 5, 2023

All platforms

Join San Angora's first-ever egg hunt!

Spring is around the corner and the sunny side is finally up. What’s more synonymous with Easter than goats and eggs? Let’s eggsplore what the fuss is about.

To keep the goat simulation as realistic as possible we’ve added 19 new gears (5 with abilities):

  • Slinger Saddle – Nobody’s riding you, you’re the one who knocks eggs

  • RadEars – Does this have anything to do with Daniel Radcliffe? Let’s find out

  • Walking Egg Shells – Sounds a lot like my childhood

  • Flappy Goat – Let’s reminisce about our favorite mini-game from Goat Simulator 1 and all the warm and fuzzy feelings it brought us

  • Bug Bunny – It’s on brand, that’s all I’ve got to say

  • Shellmet – Is it a shell? Is it a helmet? Is it both?

  • Unzipped Goat – Get your mind out of the goater, it’s not what you think it is

  • Hen Head – Los Pollos Hermanas Capra Edition©. Pair this with ‘Unzipped Goat’ for a match made in heaven

  • Turdle Ears – It’s all ogre now

  • Turdle Bandana – Even Axl Rose would be jealous of this

  • Turdle Shell – A shell for true ninja heroes

  • Turdle Skin – Skin is love, skin is life

  • Turdle Feet – Two-toes reptile slippers. A true fashion statement

  • Kärring Scarf – Scarfed for life

  • Kärring Dress – Evening dress worthy of Blåkulla

  • Brushy Hooves – It’s just as useless as it sounds like

  • Rubber Rooster head – Annoyance has a new face

  • Rubber Rooster suit – Enjoy that thick rubbery feel against your skin

  • Rubber Rooster feet – No need to claw your horns in

Additional Updates:

  • Easter-themed menu

  • 1 new Easter Event

  • A special yet familiar and feathered surprise

Bug Fixes and Updates:

  • Toggle on/off the tornado and container spawner. Albert, you can stop whining now. You can deactivate/activate them in the Goat Tower

  • Credit updates

  • Car Thief Micro Event shouldn't be completed if you steal random cars

  • Christmas Holiday Gears can be found in the customization store for new players

  • Updated and fixed some sounds in the boss phases

  • Hidden events should only be visible on the map after completing it

  • There is now a hover animation on the social media button. It’s all about the little things folks 

  • If a player leaves a mini-game the score will no longer be hidden if one player leaves during split screen 

  • Fixed an issue where split-screen players weren't fading out for the ending boss fight cut scene

  • Brendan Fraser finally got his Oscar. Whale-deserved

  • Fixed some replication issues with the gardener plant

  • Fixed an issue with the Gardener Event that made the plants grow only after fertilizing it; now they will grow after you Baa. I wish it was that easy in real life, rip all my plants

  • Fixed an issue with the Satellite Gear that broke when you sucked in a player wearing crowns from King of the Hill Mini Game

  • Dilbo has a right leg now. God I read that wrong

  • The hole in Mount Doom that made the player jump out of the map is now filled. Let’s stop reporting this issue now ok?

  • Fixed teleportation issues with the Goat Towers 

  • If you get handcuffed as an Abominana and transform the police into an Abominana while they grab you, you will no longer get flung out of the sky

  • The player will no longer become very stretchy when using the satellite gear while riding on another player

  • Are we all collectively in love with Pedro Pascal

  • What is happening?! He’s so precious

  • Added ghost train noises to the secret train station

  • The lighthouse will no longer save the light-bulb state between sessions 

  • You will now be able to turn the camera while controlling the UFO

  • Sometimes baby girl is a 48-year-old Chilean man

  • Charging as the Rhino Alt Goat in the Boss Fight will no longer get stuck making you charge out of the platform 

  • Improved the scrollbar in the collectibles menu 

  • Does anyone really know why we eat eggs during Easter? Such a weird thing. I don’t even like eggs, except for marzipan eggs. Oh dear heavens

  • We also have this annual tradition in Sweden where we get together, get wasted, scream chants, and then sacrifice crayfishes while wearing crayfish-themed clothes

  • Fixed a crash happening when remote players disconnect while using the brain wave gear

  • Fixed an issue where the Balloon Ride Instinct sometimes didn't get triggered 

  • Pls adopt me Pedro

  • Charged headbutt ability will now get canceled when opening the customization menu 

  • Updated the description to the Plant a Seed Instinct for better clarification 

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't Baa while being rag-dolled 

  • Fun fact: did you know that goats can lay as many as five eggs at a time?

  • Fixed an issue where the "Farmtality" UI got stuck on the screen if a goat died during the boss fight 

  • Fixed an issue where a player could never get unstuck after being handcuffed by the police

Build: 225617

May 29, 2023


Tis but a patch

Bug Fixes:

  • Easter Island is now a location on the map

  • Fixed crashes that appeared if the player previewed gears while respawning in the boss fight

  • Removed feathers that were accidentally placed in the Police Parking lot. Who put them there??

PC specific:

  • If your save file gets corrupted, the game will now try and restore a previous version. Yay

Build: 234778

April 27, 2023


Another day, another slay

New Content:

  • Removed the Easter-themed menu. ‘The Menu’ on Disney+ is a weird movie, you should check it out. IF you’re old enough

  • Removed the Easter-themed loading screens

  • Removed the pop-up of the Crack Down event that appears when starting the game during Easter 

  • The Sheep Alt goat is moved to the store and will cost Karma to unlock 

  • Catan Sheep has returned to its original owner after its vacation in San Angora! The Sheep Alt Goat is still there but with a new name 

Bug Fixes:

  • If you enter the whale tummy after rescuing Billy from the zoo, you will find Billy and his family inside the whale. Finally reunited, what a joy

  • Players should now be able to complete the "Take a scenic route in the balloon cart" instinct. Just reading “Take a scenic route” sends chills down my spine now

  • Updated the shop menu to have better sorting

  • Pedro Pascal is not on my FYP anymore. Sad

  • Fixed an issue the Damit Cannon had with the camera

Achievement Issues (Epic only)

  • Unlocked achievements did not show up for some players on Epic after Hot Fix 3 – this has been fixed and should hopefully work properly without any issues now (knock on wood). All the achievements that you’ve unlocked should show up once you update the game

Build: 230549

April 19, 2023


Howdy goats

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the out-of-bounce issue, where players could for example swim out of the map without respawning. We have to think about your safety

  • Fixed the loot chest crash that could happen, now you should be able to open the chest without any problems. So glad to get that off my chest. Phew

  • Fixed a bug that made styles on gears (that has a style with different colors to choose from) reset to their original style after opening and closing the menu for clients

Build: 229915

April 13, 2023


Who would’ve thought that eggs sometimes contain bugs?

Bug Fixes:

  • Worked on a crash that appeared when opening the secret loot chest, it should not happen as often now. FYI this is a temporary fix and we will continue working on it. It should be completely done by next week

  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes appear while using the Slinger Saddle Gear

  • When taking a yolk bath, you will always become the Feather Goat, even if you've already unlocked it. Taking a yolk bath… I wonder what that would feel like

  • When bouncing on the fried egg, the correct text will appear

  • Fixed clipping issues with the inverted goat suit, where the fur stuck out. Just a lil trim

  • Fixed an issue when cracking one of the eggs, a rubber duck sound would appear without the actual rubber duck. Quack quack
    •  Fixed an issue where the compass would remain hidden after eggsiting the egg form

  • You can now headbutt the crackers you get from the Flappy Goat Egg

  • Ate some marzipan eggs

  • You will now hear a cracking sound after cracking the last Matryoshka egg. Oh?

  • After completing the first part of the Egg Crackdown event, you didn't always get the notification about the second part of the event – that is now fixed

  • Swimming as an egg will now cause the egg to crack

  • Fixed some items from the Easter Update that had the wrong name

  • While wearing the Slinger Saddle, the bikes you lick will no longer feel heavy

  • Fixed the size and position of some of the gear pickups you get from the Egg Crackdown event

  • Drank a lot of coffee

  • Made Flappy Goat work better for clients and fixed some issues that could appear

  • Fixed an issue where the Flappy Goat Gear was incorrectly connected to instincts without being one. Little rascal

  • Fixed draw distances on the eggs that never disappeared when out of view

  • Played video games obsessively during the Easter holiday. My back hurts now

  • Updated the camera sequence when starting the new Egg Crackdown event

  • Ate more marzipan eggs

  • Fixed some offset issues on the new cosmetic gears from the Easter event

  • Fixed a bug the Bug Bunny gear had where the glitch effect never disappeared when picking up another headgear. I mean it’s called Bug Bunny for a reason

  • Made myself a matcha latte

  • Fixed an issue that could happen while using the pressure plates to get the reward from the Egg Crackdown event

  • Questioning my life choices

  • Fixed an issue that made the Rubber Rooster Gear 'squeak' sound remain even after auto-equipping another gear

  • Maybe I should get a real goat?

  • The Feather Goat sign inside the yolk will no longer get duplicated when headbutting it

  • Credits update

PS5 specific:

  • Fixed a crash that happened every time a player hit a destructible trashcan. You won't crash as much. Hopefully

  • Fixed wrong popup when joining an invite while in split screen and in the main menu

  • Fixed a controller vibration issue

XSX specific:

  • Fixed a crash that happened every time a player hit a destructible trashcan

  • Fixed a controller vibration issue. Let’s vibe ~

Additional info:
We are aware of an issue some players have when they try to do the instinct “Take a scenic route in the balloon cart”. It does not get registered even though players execute it correctly. We’re working on this and trying to solve it as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience

Build: 228636