Steam Release
February 15, 2024
We hope y’all had a lovely Valventine’s Day yesterday. It wasn’t steamy enough, you say?
Aight, we got you covered. Goat Simulator 3 is finally out on Steam! About damn time right.
And if you’ve grown tired of your relationship after yesterday's lack of effort, why not end it for good with any of the seven mini-games we’ve in the game? We guarantee it will work*!
Play Goat Simulator 3 on Steam today
* We can’t guarantee that
Thanks for Reading
Goat Team
May 8, 2024
A lil patch for the PC and console gang
Removed the anniversary menu – it's baack to its original form. Don’t worry, all in-game anniversary additions are still in there and will not disappear
This version includes a fix to the radar widgets for WinGDK/XSX. I have no idea what this means
Build: 340157
April 2, 2024
A patch note is never late, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to. The Anniversary update is now on mobile too!
New Content/Update:
Same content as the one PC + Console got on April 1st
Mobile-specific Bug Fixes:
Fixed the celestial wings icon not showing up
iOS Specific:
Fixed the iOS Game Center button overlapping the leave button in the main menu
Build: 331865
April 1, 2024
Celebrating 10 years of goatyness with a small update for you!
New Content/Update:
1 new event: A mysterious crack in spacetime has appeared in Suburbsville! Hopefully it’s not a butt crack
A blast from the past. The OG NPCs from Goat Simulator 1 are back as Alternative Goats. Passive ability: Changes the music to the original Goat 1 music for that nostalgic vibe
10-Year Birthday Cake headgear
Additional styles to the 'Party Hat' gear
Updated the Main Menu to celebrate Pilgor’s 10th birthday
Bug Fixes:
Removed the extra waypoint marker that accidentally appeared when setting a waypoint
The instincts categories are moved back to be in the correct order again
Fixed some issues with the name tag, where the name could be inconsistent in the friends list and in a party
Steam Specific:
Fixed some more cases where a black screen could appear. I’m having nightmares about this bug
Fixed an issue where players without a linked Epic account couldn't see their profile picture in the friends list and party menu
XSX Specific:
Fixed issues with starting split-screen using multiple controllers
Fixed wrong pop-up appearing when starting split-screen while in-game
Game Pass/MS Store:
Fixed wrong pop-up appearing when starting split-screen while in-game. Yes, here too
Build: 330535
March 21, 2024
It seems like the easter bunny arrived early this year. Operation Crackdown is finally on mobile too. What a dream.
New Content/Update:
All issues and additions that were fixed for Steam have been added to Mobile
The Operation Crackdown Update we released last year for PC and Console is now out on mobile too
Mobile-specific Bug Fixes:
Fixed a crash when charging your headbutt. Had to tone down the headbutt power a bit
Fixed a crash when trying to baa
Fixed a rare crash with particles
Fixed a rare crash when grinding
Fixed being unable to obtain the frat desk gear. Where my frat boys at?
Android Specific:
Fixed an issue where the additional download assets sometimes get stuck
Abominana is now yellow instead of grey. Guys, it was just unripe
iOS Specific:
Fixed physics-related crashes
Build: 328803
March 14, 2024
A smol patch for Steam users
Steam Specific:
Fixed more of the black screen issue people encountered after pressing 'continue'. I want a relationship as strong as that bug
Fixed an instant crash at the start that could sometimes appear
Build: 328030
March 7, 2024
Bugs find a way apparently. This patch is for Steam users only
Steam Specific:
Fixed an issue where players in multiplayer sessions sometimes got disconnected after 1 hour with the message "Network failure! Connection timed out (GS3-NF-4)"
Fixed some issues regarding the black screen some players got
Build: 326694
February 29, 2024
A lil patch for the Steamy Epic goats
Bug Fixes:
The shopping carts now have their material back. This has been our highest priority for this patch and we’re so sorry for the people who got to experience this :(
Fixed a crash that would sometimes appear while doing tricks. Too relatable
The Area Info players get from the map wasn't correct for late joiners. I’ve heard of late bloomers, but never late joiners. There’s a name for everything these days istg
Steam Specific:
Fixed an issue that caused an Epic Games pop-up to sometimes show up for Steam players on every re-start. Whoops
Players should now be able to send and accept Steam party invites and join the game without issues
Invitations will no longer stop working after the host disbands the party when the client uses the 'Leave' button and then tries to re-join them
Fixed some issues related to linking Epic account with Steam
The game should no longer crash if a Steam client closes the game or goes offline
In the friends list, question marks appeared instead of the player status when the Steam languages of two players didn't match
Invited players couldn't join the party by accepting the invitation if the privacy setting was set to 'Invite only'
EGS Specific:
Fixed an issue that caused players on Epic not to be able to join a crossplay party with Steam if another Steam player in that party didn't have their account linked with Epic
Build: 324920
March 4, 2024
The bug fixes on PC from Feb 29 are now fixed for consoles too with this patch. Yaay
Bug Fixes:
The shopping carts now have their material back. Hope the game is playable now
Fixed a crash that would sometimes appear while doing tricks
The Area Info players get from the map wasn't correct for late joiners
Build: 324513
February 21, 2024
Here we go again
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the client couldn't hear the server’s music coming from the Leaky Headphones gear
The "Logged in as" field in the friend's menu works better now. Hopefully
A player who was in a split-screen session couldn't accept invitations to multiplayer sessions
Privacy settings should now work correctly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
EGS specific:
Fixed an issue with the friend's list button where you couldn't sign in or out from Epic Games
Fixed crashes that could occur when removing the Goat Simulator game from the linked apps in Epic
The friend's list should now update correctly
Build: 322076
February 15, 2024
Brace yourselves, this list is a hefty one. We’ve worked on a bunch of bugs and also made some quality-of-life fixes. Enjoy!
New Content/Update:
New platform! We're now on Steam with crossplay functionality with Epic. Wow
Compatible with Steam Deck. We’re working on some minor tweaks to make it run more smoothly, which will come out later in a hotfix
Added an indicator when the host loses internet connection
Rebalanced Karma so that players can unlock everything in the Customization Menu. Let’s splurge!
Updated game credits
Micro events no longer give chaos points
Bug Fixes:
The Paraglider texture is no longer blurry. Unlike my vision god damn
Gardener plant will no longer get culled (not be visible) when too tall. TDIL
Fixed a crash caused by the movie theater. Have you seen any good movies lately?
Pride Saber gear will now affect vehicles. You know what to do
Reduced the chance that NPCs would hold items that they weren't supposed to for clients
Fixed an issue where the Slomo hint wasn't getting removed for the host when a new player joined the server
Fixed the Volumetric Height fog issue when playing in split-screen
Headbutt not working after using the Shark Fin gear ability
The harvester tractor not visible until the event is completed
Players will no longer start in the suburbs after going to the main menu from the boss fight
Hold input to add a split-screen player was visible in the pause menu during the boss fight
Holding the trick rotation button while interacting with something could result in weird movement
Moving fast when ragdolled (if FPS was set to “not limited”) caused a stuttery camera movement
Drum Kit and Television gears not playing their sound correctly in multiplayer
The Floor is Lava mini-game plane height not synced between server & client
The "Enter" hint stuck when entering the 'DamnIt' event cannon
Spamming F11 would crash the game
Lewis to Ferrari was not on my bingo card
Music manager-induced crash on game start-up
Fixes issues with war table object control
Throneroom wall-run tutorial would not complete correctly for split-screen players
The event Moving Help blocked "New event found notification" for nearby events
The title crashed when the host teleported to a client who was in the Granny Basement sublevel
Moved the bounceable goo away from the Portal Room entrance in the Throne Room
The floating container logo in Dirt Track is now placed correctly
Container Party now has a name and the player’s Icon on the map is shown at the correct location
I act like I’m fine but deep down I want to be in Monaco
Fixed some Gumball FX replication issues
Added hover-over sounds to the Goat Castle tab in the Pause Menu
Farmer's Got Talent event now handles baa and abilities a bit better. But only a bit
Safari Outfit pickup now has the correct material
The conveyor belt in Factory now moves the player in the same direction as the visuals. About time
Fixed an issue where body gear wrongly showed up as equipped for Alt Goats
Are u still reading?
Styled By Henri (the Barbershop) event is now connected to Residential instead of Statue Island
The Lighthouse event is now tied to Statue Island
The Lighthouse can no longer be pushed down when headbutting the reel once it has been completed
Goat Castle is tied to Farm, Goat Phone Home and ATM is tied to Downtown
Priest in Church now holds the weights correctly (very important)
Fixed the hole in Mount Inferno. 4 years later >:(
Increased the time limit for joining mini-games to 15 seconds (was previously 10). For the boomers
Fixed an issue that caused the stink effect to appear inconsistently for clients. Just like irl
The title screen music will no longer play in slow motion if a player returns to the title screen when the slow-motion effect is active
Fixed an issue where the main player wasn't able to use gamepad 2 if player 2 used gamepad 1 (thank you David!)
Epic Specific:
Movie Tapes should now work again. Emphasis on ‘should’…
Build: 319767
Feb 21, 2024
New Content/Update:
All issues and additions that were fixed for Steam are now added for console as well. Hey better late than never
Bug Fixes:
Issues with controllers becoming unresponsive while navigating the main menu
Issues were players could not rejoin a party because they were considered kicked. Simulation is simulating
Issues were players would be waiting to join the host for a long time before being disconnected
XSX + Windows PC Specific:
Achievements texts updated
Build: 321068

Super Duper Pack
December 12, 2024
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the heroes no one asked for. Will they help you save the world? Probably not. More likely the opposite.

Gear Competition & Hocus Pocus Pack
November 25, 2024
Prepare for trouble… and make it double. The Gear Competition update & Hocus Pocus Pack add-on is here!

PS4 & Xbox One Release
October 15, 2024
PS4 and Xbox One players can finally get their hooves on Goat Simulator 3!